Post by Pieter ZijlstraPost by Gary MugfordObviously, the message read counters are stored in the registry.
Duhhhh! But that's really, really not satisfactory.
Indeed that won't work if your settings are stored in the registry.
Post by Gary MugfordIf either you or Pieter could steer me towards XML storage of
stuff, I would be greatly appreciative. That's the way this going
to work, IF it's going to work.
1) Restore a backup on your original machine where XanaNews was
working (Popeye).
2) Start XanaNews and goto File -> Export Compressed Messages
o In there rightclick and use Select All NewsGroups.
o Make sure Export XanaNews Settings is on.
o Enter a filename and press Save.
3) Close/Exit XanaNews.
4) Create a directory on the NAS and name it XanaNews
. NewsReader.exe
. NewNews.wav
. XanaNews.chm
- libeay32.dll
- ssleay32.dll
- Quotes.txt
o Within this new XanaNews directory create a sub-directory called
5) Within that same directory create a batch file and name it
XanaNews.bat Edit it and add the following line.
start NewsReader3.exe -ns -XMLSettings:.\XanaNews.xml
6) Start the batch file.
o It will open with the Welcome screen, fill in your name and
email address and press Next.
o fill in a server name and account for instance and press Next.
o no need to fill the rest in (will imported later), so
press 2 x Next and then OK.
XanaNews will now start up with just one news account and should show
a list of available newsgroups. Ignore this and press OK.
7) Use File -> Import compressed message and select the file with the
compressed messages and press Open.
(everything will be restored to the default MessageBase location).
8) Use File -> Move Messagebase...
o Select Custom Location and Browse to the MessageBase directory
you have just created within in the XanaNews directory.
9) Close/Exit XanaNews.
10) Edit the XanaNews.xml file (you can use Notepad for this but there
are other/better editors)
- Locate the Messagebase_Directory entry it should looks something
- Change the first part "C:\XanaNews" in to a "." to make it a
<Messagebase_Directory>.\MessageBase</Messagebase_Directory> -
Save the file and restart XanaNews by using the batch file from now
From you other machine you should now be able to use the same batch
file on the NAS to run XanaNews (just make sure you only use if from
machine at a time).
Apparently, even a blind and dumb squirrel can occasionally find
nuts. I know have Xana working on both machines. It's still not
perfect, but more of that later.
I, of course, screwed up your detailed instructions. The MessageBase
move should have been done from Popeye, but I switched to Quincy to
test out the batch file and then did the move from there. The forums
all came up with the right number of messages in the tree, but no
actual messages. Sighhhh! On the other hand, having a bazillion backups
helped me get over the immediate thought of downloading years of
messages again. Copied them over into the MessageBase folder you had me
create and things were a lot better immediately. By the way, I couldn't
use the browser to point to the NAS location, even though it was
another folder on the same drive. Told me I didn't have permission!!
So, I just hand-edited the field with the name and it worked.
The XML editing was a little different, since I had a registry
setting on both machines pointing to the absolute reference version of
the NAS folder. I had to edit in .\MessageBase. But having cleared that
hurdle and doing the copy of the backed up data, XanaNews worked.
Until I tried downloading Embarcadero. Still worked on Popeye, got a
Queued message when trying it on Quincy. Grrrrrr!! The first time I ran
it Sandboxie had popped up, but I told it to run the batch file
normally and not to ask again. So, I shut down Sandboxie completely. No
luck. I started looking around for other interfering programs, although
the only thing they were interfering with was the one newsgroup I used
a password for. Finally, I did figure it out. Peerblock. I'd forgot I
still had it on the WIn7 machine. I uninstalled it and Quincy now gets
messages from Embarcadero (or Clear Blue as Peerblock described it).
Now that I know, I will probably re-install it and make particular
exceptions for the Embarcadero site(s).
What's worse is that NOW I remember, I had this EXACT SAME PROBLEM
when switching from Ollie to Popeye. ARRRGGGGHHH!!!! Guess I'll have to
make use of that Evernote I've had clogging up the SysTray for the last
three months.
I would like to get rid of the confirmation dialog running the batch
file (it happens on both), but that's future fluffery.
The remaining issue seems insolvable. The window size and placement
in the XML file cannot, I believe, handle the fact that Quincy uses two
1600x1200 monitors in portrait mode. Popeye runs two 2000x1158 monitors
and the placement on each computer isn't consistent with the other, in
origin and in dimensions. Unless I would want to run a single 1200x1158
window in the upper left hand corner of both computers (and I don't), I
have to resize after each 'foreign' use. No way around it I can see,
and the solution is the slightest of bothers.
So, congratulations are in order. You've done it!
Thanks, GM