2013-03-17 00:11:36 UTC
OK, I fixed the Message Scrollbox problem.
So that's working fine for me now.
If anyone is interested
Change the following code
procedure TfmMain.MessageScrollBox1MouseWheel(Sender: TObject;
Shift: TShiftState; WheelDelta: Integer; MousePos: TPoint;
var Handled: Boolean);
with MessageScrollBox1, VertScrollBar do
// Position := Position - (WheelDelta div 120) * Mouse.WheelScrollLines * LineHeight;
Position := Position - (wheelDelta div 100) * Mouse.WheelScrollLines * LineHeight;
Handled := True;
120 should be 100
IF you don't use Delphi, e-mail me for a new version.
So that's working fine for me now.
If anyone is interested
Change the following code
procedure TfmMain.MessageScrollBox1MouseWheel(Sender: TObject;
Shift: TShiftState; WheelDelta: Integer; MousePos: TPoint;
var Handled: Boolean);
with MessageScrollBox1, VertScrollBar do
// Position := Position - (WheelDelta div 120) * Mouse.WheelScrollLines * LineHeight;
Position := Position - (wheelDelta div 100) * Mouse.WheelScrollLines * LineHeight;
Handled := True;
120 should be 100
IF you don't use Delphi, e-mail me for a new version.