New Feature Request
(too old to reply)
Q Correll
2013-03-02 05:44:26 UTC

Whenever I do a Refresh Newsgroup List and then do a Show... I have NO
idea which group is the group added. Embarcadero, etc., have hundreds
of groups I've not subscribed to.

Would it be too difficult to add an icon to the list, such as
subscribing does, to show precisely what group(s) have been added?

03/01/2013 21:39:12 [Q'sBrokenToolBar] [Running on TQ]
Pieter Zijlstra
2013-03-07 21:49:45 UTC
Post by Q Correll
Whenever I do a Refresh Newsgroup List and then do a Show... I have NO
idea which group is the group added. Embarcadero, etc., have hundreds
of groups I've not subscribed to.
You don't have to do a Refresh. Xananews checks the first time it
contacts a server if there are any new newsgroups, when there are, this
is indicated by some small green dots around the "globe" of the
corresponding account [1]. If you then use "Show Newsgroups List" the
option "Show new groups only" will be available, if you check it, it
will only display the new groups added to the server since the last
time you have used that dialog (when you close the dialog the green
dots around the account-globe will be gone).

If you keep XanaNews running and regular contact a server it will
re-check for new groups every 6 hours.
Post by Q Correll
Would it be too difficult to add an icon to the list, such as
subscribing does, to show precisely what group(s) have been added?
In the above process the new groups are indicated in the "Show
Newgroups List" dialog with the "new icon" -> Light bulb [2]

For those that have the source:
[1] MainForm.dfm -> ImageList1 index 26
[2] NewsgroupsDialog.dfm -> ImageList1 index 1
Q Correll
2013-03-08 18:13:14 UTC

| If you then use "Show Newsgroups List" the
| option "Show new groups only" will be available, if you check it, it
| will only display the new groups added to the server since the last
| time you have used that dialog (when you close the dialog the green
| dots around the account-globe will be gone).

Cool!!! Dang! I didn't realize that. That is precisely what I want!

Now,... if I can just remember that the next time I see the dots before
I use Refresh! <g>

Thanks, Pieter!!!

| If you keep XanaNews running and regular contact a server it will
| re-check for new groups every 6 hours.

I never leave XN, or anything else "running!!!"

03/08/2013 10:09:51 [Q'sBrokenToolBar] [Running on TQ]